It has been ten years since Kumeka, Master of the Eighth Ray, introduced himself to Diana Cooper and began to meld his consciousness with hers.
A Little Light on Ascension presented the information he impressed on Diana at the time, but since then, much has changed on our planet, and Kumeka has recently imparted further information. This knowledge, previously offered to just a few, is now available to millions of lightworkers eager to assist in the task of moving this planet into the light. Yes, ascending into the higher realms can be achieved in this lifetime. We may have to work at it, but all the tools and information we need are now available to us thanks to A New Light on Ascension. However, be prepared, this journey is not for the fainthearted! Kumeka does not offer a quick fix; he invites and encourages each one of us to join the millions on the planet now actively working towards a joyful life of spirit.