White Feather Holistic Arts
Versatile chip necklaces are a must have jewelry item. This beautiful necklace also has a clasp.
Labradorite, which is named after a major discovery in Labrador, is found in volcanic deposits, also known as spectrolite. Its attractive blue and green iridescence makes it suitable in jewelry and as a glaze for ceramics. This stone can be used to assist in accessing the subconscious. It banishes fears and insecurities and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.
Labradorite is in the same family as Rainbow Moonstone. A Crown & Third Eye Chakra stone. Labradorite is best known for being a stone of transformation. It enhances psychic and intuitive abilities, as well as personal will and imagination. A great stone for meditation. It is a stone of ascension, very calming, it dispels fears, and brings a feeling of perseverance. It instills trust in the Universe, faith in yourself. It will protect you from psychic attacks. It helps with all addictions, particularly quitting smoking. It helps us to release codependent traits. Physically it helps with emphysema and it increases metabolism.