White Feather Holistic Arts
Opalite is sometimes called Opaline. It is a Third Eye & Throat Chakra stone. It is a stone of communication, giving us the courage to express our true feelings and thoughts. It improves communication on all levels, including spiritual. It will remove blockages in the chakra and meridian systems. It is a stone of transformation. It encourages persistence and clear thinki
Turtle represents the building of the “the new earth” - recreating your life in some way and will offer you the patience to do so. Turtle reminds us to give gifts back to the Earth, as she as gifted us. Like the turtle, use Earth and Water energy to energize your own
spirit. Turtle reminds us to slow down as she appears in our
life. She embodies goddess energy in her spirit.
ng. It is a stone of new beginnings. Opalite brings childlike happiness and joy.
All opalite is man-made. It does not exist in nature.