White Feather Holistic Arts
1.75 inch, to 2 inch mini double terminated wands. Double terminated wands are used to send energy in two directions at once, or to pull energy from one direction, while sending energy to another direction. They can also be used in grids etc, to sit in between other stones and connect the energies between the stones around it.
Quartz activates all chakras and is associated with all astrological signs. This crystal clears karmic history, increases psychic / intuitive skills, helps us find our purpose or feel purpose-full. Quartz unlock memories within the soul, helps with concentration. This is the keystone of healers. Quartz amplifies other stones. It attunes to the vibration of the person being healed. Quartz attracts angels, offers spiritual guidance, reduces stress. This crystal strengthens the immune system and kidneys. It assists with sleeping well.
If Tracey was stuck on a desert island and could only have one crystal with her, it would be quartz, because quartz assists with healing everything and anything.