Ruby is a Heart & Root Chakra stone that promotes integrity, devotion, happiness, joy, healing, courage, passion, enthusiasm, generosity, prosperity, power & leadership, a zest for life and enthusiasm - as you can see a very high energy stone! Ruby also im
Product Details
Ruby is a Heart & Root Chakra stone that promotes integrity, devotion, happiness, joy, healing, courage, passion, enthusiasm, generosity, prosperity, power & leadership, a zest for life and enthusiasm - as you can see a very high energy stone! Ruby also improves motivation. It brings spontinaity and laughter. This stone will also calm hyperactivity. Record Keepers are crystals which have small triangular markings on their faces or sides. It is believed that they contain ancient wisdom programmed by both the Atlanteans and the Lemurians in order to pass on knowledge to us as we are capable of receiving it. A pure heart is required to be open to receive the information encoded within them. These markings are often difficult to see because they are faint and can be either raised, incised or watermarks. Hold the crystal in the light and turn it different ways to catch the reflection in order to see them easier. A Key is found on a crystal marked with a three or six-sided indentation or opening into the face or the side of the crystal where another crystal once was embedded. It can provide access to normally hidden information, and can be used to find the answers to difficult problems or healing needs